You would not want to get the idea that the King James Version of the bible is without error.
(As an eighteen year old "pioneer", I remember getting drawn into debates with some who were quite rabid in their belief that the "James" translation was the only one to use).
For example, the KJV makes reference to a mythological animal, the unicorn.
See Isaiah 34:8, Psalm 92:10 and Psalm 22:21 - amongst many others.
(Incidentally, the King James Version translated the scriptures into what is now referred to as "Archaic English" of 400 years ago - not the "Olde English" of Geoffrey Chaucer's time, some 250 years before that).
As for King James 1st himself, he was referred to as the "Most Learned Fool in Christendom." Dearth of scholarship in the biblical languages may not necessarily be confined to the WTS!
Some of my observations anyway,